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Saliktā PE gaisa burbuļplēves veidošanas mašīna - XIANGHAI

Compound PE gaisa burbuļu plēves veidošanas mašīna

Aprīkojuma apraksts:
Salikta gaisa burbuļplēves mašīna pieņem tūlītēju formēšanas procesu, tiek desionēta uz gaisa burbuļplēves mašīnas pamatnes.kraftpapīrs, PE plēve, pērļu kokvilna, PET alumīnija pārklājuma plēve, var komponēt gaisa burbuļplēves virsmu, kad nomainījāt mašīnu, un Tas uzreiz formējas. Struktūras dizains ir zinātnisks, saprātīgs un praktisks. Kombinētā polietilēna burbuļplēves mašīna ir viens no galvenajiem uzņēmuma produktiem. Šī mašīna galvenokārt sastāv no ekstrūdera, presformas, vakuuma negatīvā spiediena sistēmas, burbuļu veidošanas veidnes, vilces mehānisma, plakana korpusa velmēšanas, tinumu mehānisma, elektriskās vadības sistēmas. Pievienojiet izejmateriālu no iekrāvēja porta līdz gatavā produkta tinējam.

Quick Details

Screw Design:Single-screw
Screw Material:38CrMoALA
Screw diameter (mm):65
Screw L/D Ratio:32:1
Screw Speed (rpm):50 rpm
Showroom Location:None
Place of Origin:Zhejiang, China
Power (kW):68
Warranty:1 Year
After-sales Service Provided:Video technical support, Free spare parts, Field installation, commissioning and training, Field maintenance and repair service, Online support
Key Selling Points:Easy to Operate
After Warranty Service:Video technical support, Online support, Spare parts, Field maintenance and repair service
Local Service Location:None
Marketing Type:Ordinary Product
Video outgoing-inspection:Provided
Machinery Test Report:Provided
Warranty of core components:1 Year
Plastic Processed

1. Robust and reliable.
2. This model can also be used for films with Two layer film machine.
3. Suitable for a wide spectrum of materials, including LDPE, LLDPE, and recycled PE.
4. Can produce films with various bubble sizes from 6- 32, by changing the roller. 
5. Index revolving winder is easy to operate. 
6. Variable speed drive can greatly reduce energy consumption.

Main Features
This machine is mainly composed of extruder, die, vacuum negative pressure system, bubble forming mold, traction mechanism, rolling flat body, winding mechanism, electrical control system. Add raw material from loader port until the finished product winder. Compound air bubble film machine adopts instant molding process, is desioned on base of machine. Kraft paper, PE film, pearl cotton, PET aluminum plating film can compound the surface of air bubble film and connect mold instantly. It has scientific, reasonable and practical design.

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